Life can sometimes feel like a car rolling down a hill in neutral; only you, the driver, can impact the outcome of what happens next.

Do you jump out of the car? Do you slam the brakes? Do you sit back and let whatever happens happen? Or do you take control and put the car in drive and ride out the remainder of the hill?

All of these choices have different outcomes; it’s hard to calculate the result, but in the heat of the moment, you have to 

Make a choice and take action. There may have been times when you had to make a choice while many other things called for your attention. It may be overwhelming; it may be scary.

But you have to trust your judgment and accept anything that happens after; make choices with a sense of courage and self-acceptance. If you take too long to take action, life will choose for you, and it won’t

always be what you wanted. Let’s say, for example, I wanted to pursue my dream career of helping people become the best version of themselves, but, I recently got selected for a high-paying job position that conflict with my ability to pursue my career. But wait, doesn’t that mean I have to choose between the two jobs and my career?
On one hand, if I choose to go with the job, I have a secured income, a distinct task and many other benefits, etc… On the other I hand I decide to go with my dream career I don’t have a clear path of how things will go, and my income is dependent on whatever opportunities I acquire along the way meaning I may go a prolonged amount of time with ought gaining clientele or even making much money sounds pretty scary when you think about, but that’s all speculation there’s no way to tell what will truly happen despite what you choose its always good to take to decide on what you truly want to do but don’t take too much thinking about what may or may not happen, nothing is truly guaranteed in life I’m not saying that you make should make irrational decisions just off of how you feel, but you need to act quickly or time will pass you by you may choose something out of the fear of what’s uncertain, but I promise you what was meant to happen will happen you’re not ann oracle, and you don’t have the ability to tell the future what I’m trying to make clear here is that if you need to decide on something especially something that decides your career go for it if you feel in your soul that this is truly what you want to do go for and give it your all there will be times when you get discouraged, and you may even think you want to do something else and that is totally fine allow your self to feel those emotions then make your decision you’ll feel your energy shift when you empower yourself by making these decisions and going on the journey it leads you to if you continue to feel stuck and need additional help here’s my layout to accomplishing the task of being able to make these decisions that render to you as scary or difficult.